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The Artists Collective's After School and Rite of Passage programs focus on the development of life skills, school success, an understanding and appreciation of one's culture, and development of leadership and teamwork. During 2002, more than 200 low income Black, Caribbean, and Latino Hartford youth participated two days per week during the school year and five days per week during the summer in training workshops in the performing and visual arts, including dance, music, drama, African percussion, and martial arts. Public performances showcased the youth's accomplishments.


There was a consistent improvement in grades among program participants, as well as the development of necessary skills and responsibility to themselves and their peers to enable them to perform in public performances. Shoplifting and gang activity among the students has decreased since the start of the programs. Half of the students are now on the honor roll in school.


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Dollie McLean, Executive Director
After School and Rite of Passage
1200 Albany Avenue
Hartford, CT 06112
T: 860.527.3205

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