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Boys and Girls Club of Missoula, Montana header


Teens at the Boys and Girls Club of Missoula produced two compact disks of children's tales and fables. The CD series attempts to reflect the inter-generational and multicultural.htmlects of the community. Invitations for collaborative participation were extended to local poets, writers, storytellers, and musicians of all ages and cultures. The project integrated six of the existing teen arts-based programs at the club (music and recording studio, fine arts, graphic arts and publishing, writing, and digital film.)


For the Talking Tales project, teens learned new hardware and software applications, increased their knowledge of media arts, and produce a professional product for a portfolio. The project fostered relationships between local musicians and artists and the teens, and provided an alternative way for teens to spend their time rather than using it for substance abuse.


Mary Place Allyn
Talking Tales
617 South Higgins Avenue
Missoula, MT 59801
Phone: 406.542.3116

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